All persons whether resident or non- resident in Spain, must pay taxes based on residency or based on a de facto obligation.


These taxes are the Income Tax (known as IRPF in Spanish) and the Non-Resident Income Tax (known as IRNR in Spanish).


Our team of expert tax lawyers in Alicante annually and punctually will inform you about the tax obligations, bearing in mind the particular circumstances of each client. Our tax attorneys will calculate the amount to be paid and will settle such amount. Likewise, our professional team permanently informs our clients about the statutory news or amendments in this regard.


We also hereby inform you that under the provisions of section 47 of the Act 58/2003 of 17 December, General Tax Code, in connection with the representation of non-resident entities or persons: “For the purposes of their proceedings before the Spanish Treasury, taxpayers who do not reside in Spain shall appoint a representative domiciled within the Spanish territory when they do business through a permanent establishment as far as the tax legislation expressly orders it or when, in accordance with the characteristics of the business or activity or the amount of income obtained, the Spanish Treasury requires such representation.”